Through this web page Imaves d.o.o. collects, processes, stores and protects your personal data in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation, so that we can provide you with a better user experience by customizing and personalizing content, as well as for other functionalities such as traffic analysis and measurement, by using cookies and other technologies. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) covers different groups of data such as your name, personal e-mail, IP addresses, cookies... For more information on cookies and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), visit the official website of the Law of the Republic of Croatia, the European Union or the Official Gazette.
Users have the right to request notification of which of their personal data is processed by the company at any time, to have it changed or deleted, by sending a request to the Personal Data Protection Officer. You can change your cookies consent at any time by sending an e-mail at
Personal data is any information relating to a specific natural person or an identifiable natural person. In particular, personal data is considered to be all data that identifies the customer (for example, first and last name, e-mail address, etc.).
Cookies are small text files that are stored on your devices (for example, a
computer or a mobile phone) and serve as a reminder for the WEB site to store your actions and preferences,
such as your login, for an extended period of time and allow you to:
• monitor in detail the WEB site traffic metrics and thus provide more relevant content for articles and
• continuously improve the content and technical functionality of the website/application
• detect and insure yourself against risky behaviour of users who may harm WEB sites/applications
• understand how users consume site content, develop existing and create new services
Thanks to cookies, it is not necessary to enter the desired settings every time you return to
the WEB page.
The processing of personal data is any action or set of actions performed on personal data, whether by automatic means or not, such as collecting, recording, organizing, sorting, adapting or modifying, withdrawing, inspecting, using, disclosing, publishing or otherwise making available, sortig or combining, blocking, deleting or destroying, and performing logical, mathematical and other operations with that data. Imaves d.o.o. uses only the relevant and necessary data to fulfill the purpose for which they are processed.
Imaves d.o.o. employs all security measures in order to protect user data, during input and transmission, data processing and storage. Access to data is limited and available only to those employees who need them to perform certain business activities. Imaves d.o.o. commits to protect the privacy of personal data of all users and will treat them in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act, ie other applicable regulations. All the above mentioned personal data may not be used by the company without authorization or made available to third parties, except in cases where a special law allows it or it is necessary for the purpose of fulfilling contractual obligations. All Imaves d.o.o. employees and business partners are responsible for adhering to the principles of privacy. The same privacy and data policy applies when applying for a job.
Confidential personal information, such as religious affiliation, health status, sexual orientation or political affiliation will not be asked or demanded by Imaves d.o.o. when hiring or contracting.
Voluntary disclosure of personal information during the recruitment process is made willingly. The company will request only the necessary information needed for proper and legally compliant recruitment or contracting process.
Sharing with third parties may be done internally and with service providers as well as other third parties if that is required in the process of candidate selection, recruitment, corporate governance, procurement and legal and regulatory obligations, to respond to the public sector or administrative requirements, for national security purposes and / or law enforcement. The Company obliges such service providers and third parties to maintain the confidentiality of your personal data and to use it only in accordance with the specific purpose for which they were disclosed.
The company maintains security and confidentiality through a high level of administrative, physical and technical security measures designed to protect the confidentiality of personal data and requires the same from its service providers. Those Imaves d.o.o. employees that can access personal information because of the nature of their job, must keep the confidentiality of such information. The company can apply security procedures in its facilities and on its computer systems in order to monitor and maintain security. Any supervision of Imaves d.o.o. facilities, systems or assets is conducted in accordance with applicable laws.
Each user is responsible for the information he/she provided to Imaves d.o.o. All information must be accurate, true, precise, and in no way misleading. Applicants must ensure that the information submitted does not contain inappropriate, defamatory or infringing content. In the case when personal data of another individual are submitted (eg. a person who can give a recommendation), the candidate is responsible to inform the person whose data he/she submits in a timely manner and obtain consent.
For any additional inquiries and information, you can contact our Personal Data Protection Officer at