Company name: Imaves d.o.o. for trade, services and representation
Shortened company name: Imaves d.o.o.

Business office address:
Vukovarska street 274
10000 Zagreb
Republic of Croatia

Address of the head office:
Mihanovieva street 20
10000 Zagreb
Republic of Croatia

Identification number: 0883140

Personal identification number (OIB): 80618300630
VAT identification number: HR80618300630

Giro account:

IBAN: HR2325000091101137050 Addiko Bank d.d. Zagreb

Imaves d.o.o. is registered at the Commercial Court register under number Tt-04/12132-2 MBS 080026731

The company's share capital amounts to 66.350,00 euros and has been paid in full.

Management: Sanja Majhen mag. comm., Zoran Habijan bacc. inf.